If I was to sugarcoat it, dating over forty is a “different” experience.

But when have I ever sugarcoated anything, dating over forty can be tricky as fuck. It is literally the foundation for some of the best brunch conversations I’ve had the privilege of being part of. So why wouldn’t I dedicate a space for us to share our dating stories, cause chiiiiiiiiilllleeee sometimes you gotta laugh at the shenanigans in order to keep pushing through.

In addition to my own personal shenanigans, you will also find a monthly storytelling podcast series called “Returned To The Streets” a series about Jordyn Franklin an event planner who was abruptly thrown back to these mean dating streets at 41 after being in a long-term relationship for the past five years.

Dating While Celibate…

Dating and celibacy are two words you rarely hear together nowadays, and then you have Erica who has the audacity to add dating multiple men in the mix while being celibate…

What it’s like living with PCOS

Answering questions from my DMs turned into a full-blown moment of transparency (my strength is in my vulnerability) In this video I shared my story on what it's like to live with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) From my werewolf nature to how it's the root cause of my fertility issue and all the shits in-between.

PCOS is part of my Browngirl Experience

Don’t let my fat fool you…

Erica tackles the myth that big girls ain’t fuckin and just to prove her point she invited a few of her fly ass friends in the studio for a lil cocktails and conversation

A girl and her chucks…

The Browngirl is ready to get back in these mean dating streets and doesn’t have a clue when it comes to what she should wear. So she calls in a few friends to help her out.


Browngirl Experience Podcast


Cocktails and Conversations